Jury Duty – Part 2

2. Don’t lie when you do you get there.

When you get to the courthouse and they are selecting jurors for a trial, don’t lie.  Don’t tell the attorneys and judge that you are impartial, disinterested or uninterested in the case if you really do have an opinion.  It’s not fair to anyone, including yourself.  Worse, it isn’t ethical or moral.  Worse yet, if the judge finds out (and he just might) the judge will not like you.  Your lies mess up his courtroom, make him have to redo things better done only once and create embarrassment.  No one in the legal community wants to have a decision overturned because a juror says one thing at the selection process and another thing after the trial is over.  It can mean an instant appeal and more time spent determining the outcome of a case.  It can even get you in trouble for perjury–a felony.

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