Columns on Personal Protection Tips and Business Protection Tips (Accepted for publication 2007)
Kopf v. Battaglia (another win for Kaufman Law 2007) [PDF]
Edwards v. Climate Conditioning Corporation [PDF]
The Daily Record: Law: Making the Cut: Being Choosy About Which Clients You Should Keep
Warren County News: Resolution Reached in FOIA Dispute
Electronic Discovery: The Search for Hidden Treasure, a CLE presented at the VTLA Solo and Small Firm Conference, September, 2005
Quoted in D-I-Y Security, by Jason Krause, ABA Journal February, 2005
Quoted in No Big Deal, by Meg Tebo, ABA Journal, November, 2004
Team Up to Beat the Big Firms, GPSolo at 22 (ABA July/August, 2004)
What if the Deal Goes Bad? What Litigators (don’t) Want you to Know, GPSolo at 34 (ABA October/November, 2003)
FERC must not negate utility contracts, (op ed) Reno Gazette Journal, April 25, 2002
Wrong-headed Power Play, (op-ed) The Long Beach Press-Telegram, August 20, 2000
Electric Market Gets Charge from Peace, (op-ed) The San Francisco Chronicle, August 1, 2000
Power to the People, (op-ed) The Orange County Register, July 26, 2000
How Erin Brockovich Could Have Used the Internet, (op-ed) The Union Leader, April 25, 2000
Scott C. Whitney, The National Environmental Policy Act, Cases & Materials (3rd draft of book completed, negotiations w/ Anderson Publications underway)
Don’t Get Caught With Your Paints Wet! How New EPA Paint Standards Will Affect Your Business, a special seminar given to the International Sign Association (Las Vegas, Nevada, April, 1997)
Book Review: Leonard A. Sagan, MD., Electric and Magnetic Fields: Invisible Risks? Energy Law Journal 18 ELJ 435 (1997)
Is CERCLA Retroactive? An Analysis Under Landgraf v. USI Films Products, (Work in progress — Economic analysis of new retroactivity rules applied to CERCLA liability)
Experts, Daubert and the NEPA Process: A Study in Unintended Consequences (work in progress)
A Citizen’s Right to Intervene in Superfund: CERCLA 113 v. Fed. R. Civ. P. 24 (in progress)
Conducting an Environmental Audit of Your Sign Shop, a special seminar given to the International Sign Association (Orlando, Florida, April, 1996)
Environmental Regulation: The View from Under the Hill, a special seminar given to the International Sign Association (Toronto, Canada, May, 1995)
Instituting an Environmental Compliance Program for Your Company, 46 (4) Coatings 4 (October, 1994) (National Paint and Coatings Association)
Legal and Regulatory Responses to EMF (unpublished)
Legal and Regulatory Responses to EMF, Presentation to the D.C. Bar Section on Environmental Laws (October, 1993)
Book Review: Ellen Sugarman, Warning: the Electricity Around You may be Hazardous to Your Health: How to Protect Yourself from EMF in EMF News (Edison Electric Institute) (October, 1992)
An Examination of the Economic Efficiency or Inefficiency of Strict Liability Under the Superfund (unpublished) (March, 1991)
The Greenhouse Effect: Available and Needed Laws and Treaties, 9 UCLA Environmental Law & Policy 219 (1991)
Efficient Compensation for Lost Market Value Due to Fear of Electric Transmission Lines, 12 GMU L. Rev. 711 (1990)
Efficient Compensation for Lost Market Value Due to Fear of Electric Transmission Lines, 12 GMU L. Rev. 711 (1990)
Coal Data Book (March 1980%) (Department of Energy)
Report to the President on Increasing the Production and use of Coal (June 4, 1979) (Department of Energy)
An Analysis of the Effects of the Impacts of Oil Shale Development in the Uintah Basin (June, 1978) (Ph.D. Dissertation Utah State University)
Water for Energy, Water Spectrum (winter, 1975) (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)
Will and Business Succession Perils