I just posted about a kid in Wisconsin who killed his school principal. His problem was that he was complaining about being bullied and nobody was listening to him. I keep hearing about school killings and there always seems to be a link to bullying. I wonder if this is selective on my part or if there is some real connection. If there is a real connection, can we do something about this?
Now this post doesn’t really deal with self-protection except in the most general way. But dealing with bullies is a real problem and I’ll talk about how to do it periodically.
Seems to me that the “system” should be able to prevent it but it isn’t working. I don’t know why. So I’m wondering if there isn’t a better way. If I recall correctly, Columbine was thought to be brought on–at least in part–by bullying. Seems to me that I started to hear about anti-bully campaigns right after that.
Anybody know? Any ideas for systemic fixes?