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Monthly Archives: May 2007

MT Hands

Funny what you can learn from your children.  I was out yesterday with my teenage daughter shopping.  She left her backpack in the car, but brought her cellphone with her.  In 1 hand.  Because she didn’t have pockets in her … Continue reading

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Behind you

Now that the weather’s getting better and we’re all out more in the evenings, “check your 6”; i.e., look behind you sometimes.  It’s not only for bad guys out to get you–if you are jogging you should check periodically to … Continue reading

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Contempt of Cop

Contempt of Cop.  It’s not an official crime. You’ll never find it listed in the statute books.  But it’s real.  Just ask the right people.  If a cop believes that you are not being sufficiently respectful (as the cop defines … Continue reading

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